Texas Board of Professional Engineers
Policy Advisory Opinion Regarding Structural or Mechanical Modifications to Building Roofs
October 7, 2004

Executive Summary: The Texas Board of Professional Engineers has been asked to determine the engineering content of roof alteration or repair projects. The Board recognizes that architects have broad authority to manage and oversee building projects, which may include roofing systems. Nothing in this opinion is intended to limit their authority under their act. The Board has determined through a stakeholder process that the following aspects of structural or mechanical modifications to building roofs are engineering and require the services of a Texas licensed professional engineer:

1) Evaluation of structural framing members prior to the addition of roof mounted equipment or heavier roof covering.
2) The change of roof pitch by the addition of structural framing members.
3) The evaluation and repair of roof structural framing found to be damaged during a roof repair project.
4) The modification of an internal roof drainage system.

Background: New building construction is addressed in the Texas Engineering Practice Act (TEPA) under section 1001.407 "Construction of Public Works" and exemptions in section 1001.053 "Public Works". Engineering aspects of a public works project are to be designed and constructed under the supervision of a licensed professional engineer. There are circumstances where a roof replacement could involve the structural or mechanical systems of the building and thus require that a professional engineer design and supervise the engineering aspects of the project.

Section 1001.053. Public Works, reads in part:
The following work is exempt from this chapter:
(1) a public work that involves electrical or mechanical engineering, if the contemplated expense for the completed project is $8000 or less; or
(2) a public work that does not involve electrical or mechanical engineering , if the contemplated expense for the completed project is $20,000 or less;

Section 1001.056. Construction or Repair of and Plans for Certain Buildings, exempts private dwellings and certain apartment buildings, but in subsection (a)(2)(F) requires an engineer be engaged for the engineering portions of buildings that are greater than 5000 square feet in floor area or contain clear spans greater than 24 feet.

When is Engineering Involved in a Roofing Project?

If a roofing project1 is in excess of $20,000 for public works, or not exempt from Section 1001.056, and involves the addition of roof-mounted equipment or the installation of roofing material heavier than the original roofing material, then the building structural framing elements will be evaluated by a Texas licensed professional engineer to verify that the roof modification will not exceed the allowable structural loads on the building.

If a roofing project1 is in excess of $20,000 for public works, or not exempt from Section 1001.056, and involves the modification of roof pitch by the addition of rafters, trusses or other structural framing elements, then the structural elements of the modified roof will be designed and the construction supervised by a Texas licensed professional engineer for public works and the design of the structural elements will be performed by a Texas licensed professional engineer for private works.

If a roofing project1 is in excess of $20,000 for public works, or not exempt from Section 1001.056, and during the execution of the project, damage to the building's structural framing elements is discovered, a Texas licensed engineer will evaluate the damaged structure. If structural repairs are indicated, a Texas licensed professional engineer will design and supervise the required repairs for public works and the design of the structural repairs will be performed by a Texas licensed professional engineer for private works.

If a roofing project1 is in excess of $8000 for public works, or not exempt from Section 1001.056, and involves the modification of the roof internal drainage system, then a Texas licensed professional engineer is required to evaluate the modified drainage system and perform required design and construction supervision for public works and the design of the modified drainage system will be performed by a Texas licensed professional engineer for private works.

1 The Texas Board of Professional Engineers recognizes that licensed architects and engineers are qualified to design and supervise roofing projects and specify roofing materials. Please refer to agency rules at the engineering board website www.tbpe.state.tx.us and architect board rules at www.tbae.state.tx.us