Frequently Asked Questions

1) The policy advisory opinion lists 4 specific tasks. Does that mean that Texas licensed engineers are only allowed to perform those four tasks on a roofing project and no others?

No, the policy advisory does not prevent an engineer from acting as the project manager or to perform any of the design tasks associated with a roof alteration project. The policy advisory opinion is written to specify which tasks must be performed by a Texas licensed professional engineer. The policy advisory is meant to interpret the Texas Engineering Practice Act, not replace it.

2) Does this policy advisory prohibit architects from acting as the design professional for a roof alteration project?

No, this policy advisory opinion lists specific tasks that must be performed by a Texas licensed professional engineer. An architect acting as the design professional on a roof alteration project is required to engage the services of appropriate professionals. In the case of the four listed tasks in the policy advisory opinion, a Texas licensed professional engineer would be engaged to perform the structural and/or mechanical portions of the project.

3) Why doesn't this policy advisory address the role of Registered Roof Consultants (RRC)?

The state of Texas licenses architects and engineers and holds them responsible for their professional work. The state of Texas does not yet recognize or endorse RRC registration. However, an architect or engineer may engage the services of a Registered Roof Consultant to advise them in the course of a roof alteration project.

4) If an engineer is performing the role of an insurance adjuster, does this policy advisory apply?

This policy advisory applies to engineering work associated with the modification of building roofs. An engineer performing a non-engineering activity is not addressed by this policy advisory.