Decoupling the PE Exam from the experience requirement allows an EIT to take the PE exam prior to applying for licensure or earning the necessary four years of experience. The rules for decoupling were put in place on May 2, 2016. The only requirement to be eligible for the decoupling process is to be a Texas EIT. So, if you are a Texas EIT right now, you were eligible as of May 2, 2016. If you aren't an EIT, you should become one. We encourage you to register for your EIT using our new Online EIT application. It streamlines the EIT application process and allows for online payments.
Under the decoupling policy, how many exam attempts am I allowed?
You are allowed as many exam attempts as necessary to pass the PE exam as long as you are a Texas EIT.
I am a current EIT and I registered for the PE exam but my NCEES status is displayed as "Pending Board Approval". What does this mean?
Examinees must have approval to sit for the exam in Texas. Current Texas EITs that have not previously taken
a PE Exam will be automatically approved. When you register for the PE Exam,
the NCEES system will temporarily display your status as "pending Board approval" until an automated confirmation is received from Texas.
I am a Texas EIT but I'm not sure if I'm ready to take the PE exam yet. Do I have to take it "early" at all?)
No, you do not. The 'decoupling' program simply grants you the option of doing so. You should review the content of the exams and only take them once you are ready.
This program gives you the option once you are ready.
Are the PE exams easier now?
Absolutely not. The "decoupling" program simply lets you take the PE exam before gaining the required amount of experience
needed for licensure. The exams are exactly as they were before 'decoupling' was approved. The content and difficulty level have not changed.
They are designed based on specifications set by engineering practitioners to evaluate the knowledge of an engineer with at least four years of
practical experience. So, if you want to take them "early", you can, but the difficulty level is still the same.
I am a Texas EIT who has already failed the exam 3 times under the decoupling policy, which used to be the maximum limit on attempts.
Do I need to apply for additional attempts?
No. As a current Texas EIT, you are approved to take the PE exam under decoupling and may continue to do so without needing to apply.
I'm an EIT and I just passed the PE exam, what does that make me? Do I get another kind of certificate?
Passing the PE exam puts you one large step closer to obtaining your license, but it doesn't change your official status.
You will continue to work as an EIT until you have the required engineering experience to apply for a license. Your current EIT certificate will remain in effect.
Once I pass the PE exam, will I become a PE?
No. If you took the exam "early" - prior to completing the required amount of experience for licensure - you will need to complete the
experience requirement and then apply for licensure. For example, if you have an ABET engineering degree and took and passed the PE exam with three years of experience,
you would have to gain the additional year of experience. Then you would apply for licensure as a PE. Once that application was reviewed and approved you would
be granted a PE license in Texas.