
These free videos offer educational information on engineering or land surveying and do not solicit a product or service.

Find a Texas Surveyor
TV ads produced by the Texas Society of Professional Surveyors for educational purposes.


Find a Texas Surveyor Video 1

Find a Texas Surveyor Video 2

Why You Should Become a Surveyor
Find out more about land surveying and how you may become a surveyor. This video was produced by the Tennessee Association of Professional Surveyors but the information is relevant to the entire profession.


Surveyor Profession Promotional Video

TBPELS Licensure Steps
TBPELS staff produced this series of 5 instructional videos outlining the licensure process to assist applicants.

Part 1 video is below. Here's a link to the playlist of all 5 videos:

TBPELS Licensure Steps

The Value of a P.E. License
Produced by the Texas Society of Professional Engineers, the video explains the value of the P.E. License and the steps to becoming a P.E.


The Value of a P.E. License

Dream Big
Dream Big showcases engineering's impressive impact on our world and our lives. It aims to motivate a new generation of engineers.
Further information on the movie can be found here:

Dream Big Video