Is a Texas Licensed Engineer Required?


TBPE's statute provides the requirements for the practice of engineering performed for projects in the State of Texas. The statute defines the "practice of engineering" in section 1001.003 and there is a lengthy description of what the practice of engineering includes. Paragraph (b) summarizes that a "public or private service or creative work, the adequate performance of which requires engineering education, training, and experience in applying special knowledge or judgment of the mathematical, physical, or engineering sciences to that service or creative work", is engineering.

When a Texas project involves the design, erection, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair of, or the creation of plans and specs for a building, one of the most common questions to our agency is; "When is a Texas licensed engineer required for a project?" Click on the link below to view and print out a flow chart of the process used to evaluate this question.



References to the statute can be found at: