Inactive Status Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


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What is the difference between ACTIVE and INACTIVE status?
The license holder may use any term authorized for an active license followed by the term "(Inactive)" or "(Retired)".
Examples: Bob Smith, PE (Inactive), John Jones (Retired)· An engineer may not offer any engineering services while inactive.
An engineer may be a reference for an applicant.


Who can apply for inactive status?
Any license holder may apply for inactive status at any time.



How do I apply for inactive status?
An active engineer must notify the board in writing to change their status to Inactive. Please download, complete, and send in the Application for Inactive Status form.



What are the fees associated with inactive status?
The annual renewal fee for a PE license in Inactive Status is the same as for Active Status.



Do I have to provide Continuing Education Hours while Inactive?
A PE with inactive status is not required to maintain continuing education while inactive.


If I put my license into Inactive status, am I required to submit fingerprints?

No. A renewal of a license in Inactive status does not require fingerprint submission. If your license is in Active status, but you want to put it into Inactive status, you can do so in the ECHO system on our website. You will be required to obtain a Criminal History Records Check, including fingerprint submittal when you apply to reactivate an inactive license.



How do I return to Active Status?
1. Submit a request form in writing. Please download, complete, and send in the Application for Reactivation of Licensure form.
2. Pay the annual renewal and any fee increase required by the Board.
3. Obtain all delinquent Continuing Education hours. The number of hours required depends on the length of inactive status and cannot exceed 30 hours.
4. You are not required to take an examination to reactivate license.
5. You must submit fingerprints for the criminal history record check (if not previously submitted).


Length of Inactive Status

Number of PDH required

Up to one full year

15 PDH (1 year)

1 - 2 years

30 PDH (2 years)

Over 2 years

30 PDH (maximum by rule)


What limitations are there on changing my status?

An inactive license holder may return to active status only once during a calendar year. If you become active within the same annual renewal period you became inactive, all continuing education requirements must be met for that year.



I am a sole practitioner or an engineer of record for a firm. How will this effect my firm's status?
A firm registered as a sole practitioner must have only one employee. As the sole employee, when you become inactive, your firm registration will also become inactive.

A registered firm must have at least one actively licensed PE that can perform engineering duties. If you are an engineer of record for a firm (a PE listed on the firm's registration) and you become inactive, you may effect the registration of the firm if there are no other active licensed PE's. Please check with your company before applying for inactive status.

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